The History of Lesbian Hair - Dugger, Mary
The History of Lesbian Hair - Dugger, Mary
The History of Lesbian Hair by Dugger, Mary
Format: Trade Paperback
Published by Crown, 1996
In "The History of Lesbian Hair," Mary Dugger delivers a hilarious view of the modern world. She offers illustrated essays, diagrams, and short takes, subdivided into Life ("The Downside to Lesbian Chic," "Build Your Own Lesbian," "So You Want to Be a Straight Girl"), Liberty ("Far Right Trading Cards," the ethics of outing, and an irrefutable argument proving that if homosexuals really do make up only 1.5 percent of the population, then every gay person in Chicago spends an average of $13.11 on liquor every single day), and The Pursuit of Happiness (the birth of the alter ego Marie DuGuerre and her ongoing search for love, romance, and a decent vacation).